#5 Ducey Deuces

In todays blog I will be expressing information on the words of Arizonas governor Doug Ducey. The governor stated that it is important for college students to graduate for many different reasons. He states that college students have a higher opportunity. Higher opportunity can mean a bunch of other things but he means that we can make more money and have better jobs if we graduated college.
Having any type of degree can greatly increase our chances for higher pay and getting a job right away.

Though having a degree can increase our opportunity, theres no true security in acquiring a job in the field we have studied in. for example, one of my family members went to ASU and graduated with a masters degree in teaching and has yet to find a job in her field. Another family member of mine got a degree in Christian Studies and now works at American Express. Though I agree with the words of the governor, i fear that we may graduate and still not have the opportunity that he speaks of.

Im not sure if theres anyway to really seal a spot in the field you hope to work in before graduating. One thing that i wish was more common would be that small or large business offer students n internship throughout college and at the end of the internships offers us a job. This could create a higher sense of comfort in acquiring a degree and encouraging us students to push through school.
The photo below shows the past few years and what the underemployment rate of students is today.

Image result for underemployment of college students

Thank you for coming to my TED talk, have an amazing Sunday night! Go Vikings!


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