#1 What Does Blogging Mean to Me?

Blogs to me are a new age way of sending someone a letter. You know how in the movie the Notebook starring Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams how when he was gone she sent him letters? Blogs are just a way of sending one letter to everyone at once. Doesn't have to be overly mushy, doesn't have to be all business.  You create blogs to show people who you are and what you're doing for others people enjoyment while enjoying making the blog.

Today I visited a couple blogs and came across some that really intrigued me and some that weren't very keen for my liking. I'll start off withe the one in particular that I really didn't enjoy as much.  The name of the blog is called Craft Fail. It looks like Pinterest, however; instead of having glorious DIY builds, you have DIY fails. The builds can range from weird soaps that look like trash, or some baby dolls that look like potatoes. If you're interested in making crafts with your kids or by yourself, slide over to http://craftfail.com/ and make some potatoes.

The second blog I scrolled on was called Smartpassiveincome.com, from the name alone it sounds great! Who wouldn't want a passive income?? Its very well formatted, and flows really nice. If anyone is interested in getting some extra cash without really doing a ton of work then id say you could hop over to https://www.smartpassiveincome.com/ and get rich!

The last one I visited was called The Web Blog Awards. It talks about all the different categories people were selected in and got recognized for. It has many different categories to view because of the blogs that people entered in to win on the site. They can range from religious information to knowledge about LGBTQ. So if anyone is interested in seeing what blogs people posted in 2015 or before, go check out http://2015.bloggi.es/

By reading and looking at these three blogs I can take take and use at-least a few things from them in total. The first thing I can use for my own blog is to learn how to connect to my audience. Connected to my audience is important so I don't bore you guys with a ton of words. Second, I learned how to organize my blog and make it flow in unison. Lastly, I wanted to say thank you for reading my blog, and have a great day!!

 This is what the dolls from Craftfail.com looked like. Let me know if you think they look like potatoes.

nylon baby dolls


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